DME Malt Extract: Instant Beer Powder


Dry Malt Extract (DME) – The Versatile and Convenient Ingredient for Beer Brewing

DME is a popular ingredient used in homebrewing and craft beer brewing. It is made from high-quality malted barley that has been milled, mashed, and dehydrated into a convenient powder form. DME is versatile, easy to use, and provides brewers with consistent results.

At Arishtam, we take great pride in providing homebrewers and craft brewers with the highest quality ingredients, and our DME is no exception. Our DME is made from carefully selected craft barley malt that has been kilned to produce a wide range of flavors and colors. We offer a variety of DMEs to suit different beer styles, from light and refreshing to dark and complex. This has a combination of Barley and Wheat designed for Indian Pallete.

No need of cumbersome 2 hour mashing process with milling and mashing Grain malt. Jump the queue with instant beer wort powder. Add hops, boil, cool, and add yeast to ferment into beer.

(114 customer reviews)

DME is a convenient ingredient for brewers who want to save time and simplify their brewing process. It is easy to store and can be used to quickly adjust the gravity of your wort during the brewing process. In addition, DME can be used to make yeast starters or to prime your beer for bottling or kegging.

When using DME in your brewing process, it’s important to choose the right type and quantity for your recipe. Our team of experts can help you select the right DME for your beer style and provide guidance on how to use it effectively.

At Arishtam, we are committed to providing homebrewers and craft brewers with the highest quality ingredients at competitive prices. Try our Dry Malt Extract today and see the difference it makes in your brewing process!

Key Features:

  • Dry Malt Extract (DME) for beer brewing
  • Pre Mix Instant Beer Powder Made from high-quality craft barley malt 80% and Wheat 20%
  • Versatile and easy to use
  • Provides consistent results
  • Convenient for saving time
  • Can be used to adjust wort gravity, make yeast starters, or prime beer for bottling or kegging
  • Available in a variety of types and quantities to suit different beer styles

1kg spray-dried Malt extract is good for 7-8liters of beer. 1kg of Dry malt extract powder is equal to 1.2kg of liquid malt extract. A simple recipe for malt extract beer can be found here.

Color: Light brown (EBC 11)
Diastatic activity:  none
Moisture:  2.20%
Starch:  negative
pH:  5.1-5.8
Acidity :  0.90%
Reducing sugar:  67.05%
Total ash:  1.39%
Microbial activity:  None
Protein:  4.90%

This malt powder is spray-dried to achieve a color EBC 11 which is ideal for most photo-blogging experiments. Do not confuse it with diastatic malt flour which is basically starch. Here, the grains are:

  1. Cleaned
  2. Germinated
  3. Dried
  4. Converted into Beer wort
  5. Vacuum Spray Dried

As a result 1kg of malt extract powder = 1.6kg of malt grains in any recipe.

1kg of dry malt extract (DME) = 1.2 kg of liquid malt extract (LME)

This powder has no sucrose, milk solids, vegetable oil, or any impurities that will hinder your wort making experience.

The grains are unmilled. If you are milling at home, please read this tutorial

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FAQ (11)

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At low levels, it has a sweet, cooked, or canned corn-like aroma and flavor. These Sulphur based compounds are produced during germination. The precursor is SMM (S-methyl methionine) that is converted into DMS. Stale and improper malting is the primary reason for this fault. Other reasons could be improper mashing, cooling the wort slowly and wild yeast infection. It is often confused with Rancidity. You can use the stainless steel wort chiller for temperature control

Grainy, husky beers: Similar to nutty, harsh flavors of fresh green wheat. It is often prominent in home-brewers using self-malted grains. Giving the malt a 2-4 weeks rest (in paper bags) helps get rid of it. Besides, improper mashing can cause it. Avoid mashing for more than 2 hours or over-sparging with boiling water.

This could be due to a variety of reasons.

  • Firstly improper mashing leads to many unfermentable sugars.
  • Secondly incomplete fermentation due to poor yeast health. One of the easiest ways to replicate this is by using baker’s yeast for making beers from the same wort.
  • Stuck Fermentation.

Although Indians have a slightly sweet palate, excessive sweetness in beer is a flaw. To deliberately introduce residual sweetness, one could use crystal/ caramel/carapills malts. Milkshake IPA and milk stouts have added lactose (an un-fermentable sugar) to get a balanced sweet palate.

Astringent: Puckering, lingering harshness, and/or dryness. When in excess, it impacts the finish or aftertaste by introducing harsh graininess and huskiness. In wine, it is often a result of excessive contact with grape skins. Reducing the contact with the skins and tannins used rectifies it. In beers, it could be because of too much of peated malts, smoked or biscuit malts. Another reason could be over mash or over sparge (which releases the grain astringency). Altering the pH and a few trial batches are needed to isolate the source of this astringency (grain, hop, or water). The reason for aging wine and certain styles of beers is to mellow down this astringency through certain natural biochemical reactions. Aged bottles are more valuable because of this unique flavor profile. Saving the astringent bottles for next quarter or year is always a good idea.FAQ Details

Watery/ Thin: It lacks the body and mouth feel. In wine, it is a result of not using enough fruits. In beers, it is a result of using too little malt or too many enzymes. Adding a bit of specialty malt like caramel/ crystal malts will rectify it. The mashing temperatures can also be altered to produce more sugars that are unfermentable.

Alcohol in a beer comes from the malt used and not from the hops. However hoppy IPAs (India Pale Ale) tend to be too bitter for easy gulping. Therefore most brewers add extra malt in them to balance the taste. So even though hops don’t make beer alcoholic, hoppy beers tend to have high alcohol percentages.

Both Malt extract (Dry Malt Extract Powder) and Malt Syrup (Liquid Malt Extract) are made from Pilsner barley using vacuum drying. However, Syrup has 80% malt while 95% for dry malt powder. Arishtam Prefers DME because it is a more concentrated form and powders have longer shelf life and ease in transportation.
There is a separate malt powder that is used in the baking industry. This is a powder of diastatic grains. This cannot be used for wort making as the enzymes have not yet converted starch into maltose needed for your beer.

Liquid Malt Extract and DME can be created from variety of grains. The most popular being Barley, Wheat and Sorghum. The advantage with Sorghum Malt Extract is that it is gluten free.

IPA (India Pale Ale) also called American Pale Ale and New England Pale Ale is a hop-heavy alcoholic beer. You need a copious amount of base malt (like Pilsner and malt extract powder) and very little amount of craft malt in the recipe. Go for the yeast with the highest attenuation so that the sweet malty flavors are subdued and hop aromas dominate.

The wort extract powder we sell at Arishtam is ideal for IPA style beers. We will recommend using 2-3 aromatic hops for the best results.

Malt extract has already gone through the wort making process before it was vacuum dried. Hence, there is no need to boil it throughout the 2-hour long mashing cycle that most recipes would call for. That being said, the bittering hops need ~60 min of boiling with malt for it to be fully isomerized. So this is what I would do:

  1. From your favorite recipe identify the quantity of Pilsner, Munich and bother base malts and substitute it with Malt extract powder (DME).
  2. Add the craft malt (non-base malt) in your wort early on and allow it to go through the 2-hour long mashing cycle.
  3. Towards the last 60 minutes add the bittering hops (or the early boil portion of dual-purpose hops). If your recipe has no craft malt, then add 1/4-1/3 of your DME at this stage and skip the step 1 & 2.
  4. Towards the last 15-20 minutes, put in the rest of the hops and malt extract powder.
  5. Stir it, as malt extract tends to get caramalised into red color if over boiled.

Most Malt can last for 24-36 months from the date of manufacture if stored properly. Malt extract when exposed to moisture solidifies into a solid block. Grains tend to gather pests if not stored properly.

Read our blog on proper storage tips for your craft malted grains. Also, use your coffee french press to test the quality of malt before adding it to your wort.

Chocolate malt is not the same as chocolate powder. If we roast the barley enough, its SRM/EBC/Loviblond will increase. Essentially it means that it will start giving dark brown color to your beer wort rather than the traditional golden colors. This is achieved by a high temperature longer kilning to increase the EBC to 500-1000. During this transformation, the flavors become more caramel-like. This makes them ideal for dark porters, chocolate stout, and other dark beers. Usually, chocolate malt is made from barley but lately, dark roasted chocolate wheat malt is also available.

One should not confuse chocolate malt with black malt. Black malt has an EBC of 1200+ and a overwhelming smokey flavors. Black malt is useful for Guinness style beers (black porters)

All-grain beer brewing is a method of making beer from scratch using only malted grains, water, hops, and yeast. This process is often contrasted with extract brewing, where brewers use malt extract syrups or powders as a significant portion of the fermentable sugars in the beer.

In all-grain brewing, the process involves several key steps:

  1. Mashing: Crushed malted grains (usually a combination of barley and other grains) are mixed with hot water in a vessel called a mash tun. The heat and water activate enzymes in the malt, which convert the starches in the grains into fermentable sugars. This process typically takes about an hour and results in a sugary liquid called wort.
  2. Lautering: After mashing, the wort is separated from the solid grain material through a process called lautering. The wort is drained from the grains, leaving behind the spent grain husks.
  3. Boiling: The wort is then boiled, and hops are added. Hops provide bitterness, flavor, and aroma to the beer, and their addition at different times during the boil can influence these characteristics.
  4. Cooling: After the boil, the hot wort is rapidly cooled to a temperature suitable for fermentation. This is usually done using a heat exchanger or an immersion chiller.
  5. Fermentation: The cooled wort is transferred to a fermenter, and yeast is added. The yeast consumes the sugars in the wort, producing alcohol and carbon dioxide. This process can take several days to weeks, depending on the beer style.
  6. Bottling or kegging: Once fermentation is complete, the beer can be bottled or kegged, often with the addition of priming sugar for carbonation (if bottle conditioning is used).

All-grain brewing provides more control and flexibility over the beer’s flavor and character, as brewers can fine-tune the ingredients and the mashing process to achieve their desired outcomes. It is often favored by experienced homebrewers and professional craft brewers. However, it requires more equipment, time, and knowledge than extract brewing, which is a simpler method that uses malt extract instead of mashing grains.

Home Brewers often use Malt Extract instead of All Grains. In all Grains, the brewer has to convert the starch to fermentable sugars by making a wort. In Malt Extract this job is simplified for them. In the Malt Factory the grains are converted to fermentable sugars and then in large vacuum spray drying drums this wort is dried to give the malt extract. This is now an instant powder that can be used to brew beer.

Essentially, Malt extract is a concentrated syrup or powdered form of malted barley (and sometimes other cereal grains) that contains the fermentable sugars, malt flavor, and color typically found in malted grains. It is used in brewing beer and making certain other fermented beverages, as well as in cooking and baking.

There are two main types of malt extract:

  1. Liquid Malt Extract (LME): Liquid malt extract is a thick, syrupy substance that consists of malted barley, water, and enzymes. It is produced by mashing malted grains to convert the starches into sugars, then boiling the resulting wort to concentrate it into a syrup. LME is available in various forms, including pale malt extract (which is lightly colored and flavored) and specialty malt extracts (which are darker and have more pronounced flavors). LME is commonly used in homebrewing and is a convenient way to add fermentable sugars and malt flavor to a batch of beer.
  2. Dry Malt Extract (DME): Dry malt extract is a dehydrated form of malt extract. It is created by spray-drying the liquid wort to remove most of the water content, leaving behind a fine powder that retains the sugars and flavors of malted barley. DME is lighter and less bulky than LME, making it easier to store and transport. It has a longer shelf life and is often preferred by homebrewers for its convenience.

Malt extract is commonly used in homebrewing for several reasons:

  • Convenience: It eliminates the need for mashing and lautering, which can be time-consuming and require specialized equipment.
  • Consistency: Malt extract provides a consistent source of fermentable sugars and malt flavor, which can help brewers produce consistent batches of beer.
  • Versatility: Brewers can use malt extract as a base for various beer styles and then customize their recipes by adding specialty grains, hops, and other ingredients.

While malt extract is convenient, many advanced brewers prefer the all-grain brewing method (as mentioned in a previous response) because it offers more control and allows them to create a wider range of flavors and styles. Malt extract is a useful tool for both beginners and experienced brewers, depending on their preferences and brewing goals.

Please drop a comment if you need further details.

114 reviews for DME Malt Extract: Instant Beer Powder

Based on 114 reviews

Customer Images

Image #1 from RAMESH CHOPRA
Image #2 from vignesh viswanathan
Image #3 from vignesh viswanathan
Image #4 from vignesh viswanathan
Image #5 from Ritwik Bapat
Image #1 from RAMESH CHOPRA


Brewing chocolate flavour pumpkin beer

Image #2 from vignesh viswanathan

vignesh viswanathan

I rcvd DME in good packed condition.. Good for beginner level first beer. Esily dissolves, I made 8 litter batch. Good activity in fermenter which means its of good quality.. Wil post a review after 10days of fermenting and conditioning.

Image #3 from vignesh viswanathan

vignesh viswanathan

I rcvd DME in good packed condition.. Good for beginner level first beer. Esily dissolves, I made 8 litter batch. Good activity in fermenter which means its of good quality.. Wil post a review after 10days of fermenting and conditioning.

Image #4 from vignesh viswanathan

vignesh viswanathan

I rcvd DME in good packed condition.. Good for beginner level first beer. Esily dissolves, I made 8 litter batch. Good activity in fermenter which means its of good quality.. Wil post a review after 10days of fermenting and conditioning.

Image #5 from Ritwik Bapat

Ritwik Bapat

The condition in which the parcel was received wasn’t great. Yet to open the same. Hope the contents aren’t damaged.

Image #6 from Ritwik Bapat

Ritwik Bapat

The condition in which the parcel was received wasn’t great. Yet to open the same. Hope the contents aren’t damaged.

Image #7 from Ritwik Bapat

Ritwik Bapat

The condition in which the parcel was received wasn’t great. Yet to open the same. Hope the contents aren’t damaged.

Image #1 from RAMESH CHOPRA
Image #2 from vignesh viswanathan
Image #3 from vignesh viswanathan
Image #4 from vignesh viswanathan
Image #5 from Ritwik Bapat
Image #6 from Ritwik Bapat
Image #7 from Ritwik Bapat
1-5 of 114 reviews
  1. Very nicely powdered malt, fresh and oromatic

  2. Best malt

  3. Perfect malt for beer

  4. Very smooth and fine powder to make beer. Such a good quality.

  5. It was my first experience of brewing beer with DME, though not very successful due to my mistakes. Otherwise, the product look good and well packed.

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DME Malt Extract: Instant Beer Powder DME Malt Extract: Instant Beer Powder
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